

Reunion island is home to unique and fragile ecosystems, including tropical forests and coral reefs, which support a diverse array of plant and animal species. By being mindful of your energy and water usage, properly disposing of waste, and choosing environmentally responsible activities, you can help reduce your impact on the island's delicate ecosystems and support sustainable tourism practices. Adopting eco-friendly habits can also enhance your experience and appreciation of the island's natural beauty, while contributing to the preservation of its precious resources for future generations.

The west coast of Reunion Island faces a significant water availability problem, with frequent droughts and limited access to fresh water sources. The region is characterized by a dry climate and a high demand for water for both household and agricultural use, leading to increased pressure on the limited water resources.

Simple practices such as taking shorter showers, and turning off the tap when brushing your teeth can make a big difference. By making a conscious effort to save water, you can help conserve this valuable resource and reduce your impact on the environment.

Saving electricity in the household is an important step towards reducing energy consumption. Simple practices, such as turning off lights and electronics when not in use, adjusting the air-conditioning to optimal temperatures in closed room can make a big difference. Unplugging chargers and appliances when they are not in use can prevent standby power consumption.

By adopting these good practices and making a conscious effort to save electricity, we can reduce our impact on the environment and help to preserve energy resources for future generations.

Sorting waste in the household is a critical step in reducing waste and protecting the environment. By properly separating recyclables, organic matter, and household waste, we can ensure that each type of waste is disposed of in the most environmentally responsible way possible. For example, recycling programs can turn materials into new products, reducing the need to extract and process raw materials, while composting can turn food waste into rich soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from landfills. Additionally, properly sorting waste can reduce contamination of recyclables, ensuring that they are processed in the most efficient manner.

By taking the time to sort our waste, we can play a crucial role in reducing waste, protecting the environment, and promoting sustainable practices. The Villa has dedicated Trash Bins for Non-Recycable waste, Paper and Plastic.
Please use them responsibly and move them outsite according the schedule.